Saturday, February 8, 2025

Community News & Events


Festhalle Walking

This season’s winter walking exercise program will continue into April. The Festhalle will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7:15- 9 a.m. for those interested in walking a few laps. There is no charge for this program. Please enter through the second set of doors on Front Street. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate children at this time. For further information please call Sharon Waters, 509- 548- 7939.  

The Greater Leavenworth Museum

Now open daily from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Located on the corner of 8th and Front Street, on the second floor (lift available). Learn about the town's beginnings as a railroad and lumber town, and our unique transition to a Bavarian village. New hands-on kids’ activities. Check website or Facebook page for upcoming events.

Who will be the next Mr. Kodiak?

Come to the event at Cascade High School on Monday, April 17. Doors open at 6:15  p.m.with a silent auction. All proceeds go to support the Class of 2023 graduation activities. There will also be a dessert auction and a lot of laughs. The 10 contestants will battle it out with a group fitness routine, talent showcase, best pick up line, poise and impromptu. This year’s 2023 Mr. Kodiak Contestants are Kai Lewman, Antonio Aurilio, Jones Duncan, Quentin Farrell, Alden Brooks, Kaston Dillon , Aiden Tuttle, Vincent Slette, Braeden Parton and Jesse Gunter.

Borrow Museum Passes from NCW Libraries

NCW Libraries is now offering family passes to the Greater Leavenworth Museum for checkout.

The passes will be part of the library district’s Library of Things, which already includes family passes to the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center, Cashmere Museum & Pioneer Village, and historic Ohme Gardens in Wenatchee. The Leavenworth Museum passes can now be reserved and checked out from the Cashmere, Leavenworth, Peshastin, and Wenatchee libraries. They are available for a two-week checkout period and grant entry to two adults and all children who accompany them. Reserve a pass online at or inquire in person at one of the participating libraries.

The Greater Leavenworth Museum showcases the unique history of Leavenworth and the Upper Valley from the Wenatchi First Peoples to present. The museum is located in the heart of downtown at 735 Front St., right above the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum. Starting in April, the museum is open daily from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Book Launch for Local Author, Jacqueline Haskins

Help A Book for All Seasons celebrate the book launch for local author, Jacqueline Haskins. Join us at the Leavenworth Public Library on Thursday, April 13 from 6:30-8p.m. for an author meet and greet, book presentation, and book signing. A few years ago, Jacqueline was misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes—but, encouraged by a friend to keep asking questions, she finally received a true diagnosis. A simple blood test showed antibodies in her blood… the footprints of an autoimmune disease. The true name of the disease is LADA. Even after the correct diagnosis, Jacqueline wasn’t finding good answers to her most important question: how to be healthy and happy with LADA. She spent three years researching, talking with doctors, reading hundreds of scientific journal articles, and learning from patients across the US. She compiled all her findings into her new book, Kickass Healthy LADA: How to Thrive with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults. The first book for the general public on LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) aka Diabetes 1.5, Kickass Healthy LADA offers the most up to date information, with practical strategies and tips for healthy living.  Jacqueline Haskins calls Leavenworth her home. She received her Masters in Biostatistics from the University of Washington and her Masters in Creative Writing from Northwest Institute of Literary Arts. Her work appears in dozens of publications, and she has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. After 30 years as a field biologist, she now – to her wonder and delight – gets paid to hang out in a local bookstore, A Book for All Seasons. Learn more about the event and the book at:


Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society

For all Genealogy Enthusiasts, the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society (WAGS), presents an in-person meeting: What I Learned at Roots Tech! by WAGS Members and Guests. RootsTech, the huge and amazing annual genealogy conference in Salt Lake City, was held March 2-4 this year if you were at the library or watched from your home computer (or maybe even attended in SLC ) join us for a good discussion, Monday, April 10, 2- 4 p.m. In-Person Meeting at Douglas County PUD Auditorium 1151 Valley Mall Parkway, East Wenatchee. For more information call 509-782-4046.


Easter services

Christ Center 5800 Kimber Road, 509-295-8006

April 8, Family Easter Journey to the Cross on Saturday, 3-5 p.m.  April 9, Easter Sunday service,10 a.m.

Leavenworth Church of the Nazarene 111 Ski Hill Dr., 509-548-5292

April 7, Good Friday Service, 7 p.m.  and  April 9, Easter Sunday service, 9 a.m.

Cornerstone Church
Leavenworth Grange Hall, 621 Front St. -
Sunday Worship, 10  a.m.

April 9, Easter Sunday service same time and location.


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