Saturday, February 8, 2025

Community News & Events



The Leavenworth Lions Club

Lions are hosting a Food Drive in cooperation with Dan's Food Market on March 3 from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m.

All donations are welcome and are in support of our Community Cupboard.

Upper Valley Empty Bowls Artists Bowls Auction

Don’t miss the 27th annual UV Empty Bowls on-line auction of bowls hand painted by local artists.  From 8 a.m., March 13 through 10 p.m., on March 22, twenty bowls designed and created by local artists and potters will be available for bidding on-line at the Upper Valley Empty Bowls website Each bowl is also available for immediate purchase with a “buy it now“  price.  All proceeds from the auction benefit Leavenworth’s Community Cupboard Food Bank and a small art grant benefiting local youth.

2023 PNW Junior National Team Plain Valley Skiers:

We are so proud of the local Plain Valley Nordic Ski Team skiers that have been selected to the PNW team that will travel to Fairbanks, AK. on March 10 for championships on March 13, 14, and16. Thirty percent of the 40 skiers making up the Pacific Northwest team are members of our Plain Valley organization. The expense involved in getting these kids to Alaska is considerable. Please help get our local team to this event. Go to: DONATE to the 2023 JN Fundraiser.


Greater Wenatchee Mended Hearts

Greater Wenatchee Mended Hearts is inviting heart patients and their families in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan Counties to attend the Greater Wenatchee Mended Hearts Chapter Meeting on Monday, March 6,  from 11:15 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. at the Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington Meeting Room at 270 9th St. NE in East Wenatchee.  Guest speaker, Chase Webley of Boston Scientific, will talk about and show samples of cardiac devices such as pacemakers, stents, and defibrillators that his company provides for heart patients. He will also talk about his role during and after the installation process. Those unable to come in-person may attend by Zoom. To attend, call 509-293-1603 or



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