Saturday, February 15, 2025
Letter to the Editor

Local heroes make the Annual UV Empty Bowls Festival possible


The 2024 Upper Valley Empty Bowls Festival just concluded on Thursday, March 21st.  This long standing festival, this the 28th season, is only possible because it is loved by our village, and because a small band of volunteers wills it into being each year.  I want to thank not only these volunteers but also those who help only during the Glazing Days and the Soup Supper events.

Fifteen volunteers do all the planning and most of the work on each festival.  They are:  Tiffany Brine, Diane Priebe, Dawn Kranz, Gro Buer, Barbee Teasley, Erika Enloe, Nancy Bywater, Sarah Behle, Rachel Bishop, Karen and Curt Haire, Mara Bohman, Sandra Phenning, Momi Palmieri and Skip Claeson.  The planning starts in October and ends in March of each year.

Many community members and businesses volunteer goods, services and time each year.  

Each year the Sleeping Lady Resort donates the use of the Woodpecker Room for 4 days of Glazing Days.  This year 47 people volunteered 222 hours during the 4 Glazing Days. 

This year 21 local artists donated painted bowls/platters for the annual Artists Bowls Auction: Candice Ann, Lori Aylesworth, Cordi Bradburn, Scot Brower, Linda Claeson, Teara Dillon, Paul Elkins, Erika Enloe, Amanda Gibbs, David Haire, Sarah Horowitz, Brook Ivey, Jane Lee, Catey Luna, Dan McConnell, Heather Murphy, Momi Palmieri, Diane Priebe, CarolAnn Seaman, Amber Zimmerman, Teri Zimmerman.

Six local potters hand threw soup bowls and artists bowls: Mer Adams, Margareta Dilley, Dawn Kranz, Adam Pfleeger, Carl Smith, Matt Sullivan.

For 6 years since 2017 the Icicle Ridge Winery has donated the use of its tasting room for the Artists Reception and Gala.  Brian Bohman and Ginger Holliday provided wonderful music during the Gala.  Several restaurants and individuals provided hors d’oeurves.

Many others volunteered at the Soup Supper.  Assisting in the setup and take down of the 50 tables and 450 chairs were: David Haire, John and Rachel Bishop, Brett Johnson, Alvin and Jane Lee, Dave Masuda, Bill Davies, Boy Scout Troop #28 and several others.

This year’s restaurants and bakeries donating food for the Soup Supper were:  Visconti’s, Wok About Grill, Sage Mtn, Sleeping Lady, JJ Hills, Yodelin, Chateau Faire Le Ponte, Bavarian Bakery, and Bosket Bakery.  The Soup Supper cookies were baked and donated by: the Ladies of the Lions Club, the Church of Latter-day Saints, Faith Lutheran Church, and the United Methodist Church.

Nine Cascade HS students painted the raffle bowls that were raffled off at the Artists Gala and the Soup Supper: Harper Baker, Rowyn Bishop, Allya Coronado, Napiqua Gibbs, Elona Herbert, Ellie Holm, Anja Lundgren, Olivia Melton and Ingrid Stockman.

Five teachers were awarded Art Grants to support art in their classrooms: Daena Medina, Jodie Tremberth, Amber Zimmerman, Eric Tiegel, and Kerry Siderius.

All of this year’s profits of $17,000 are donated to the Leavenworth foodbank.   

Skip Claeson 



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