Saturday, February 15, 2025

Newly paved Glacier Lot opens in Leavenworth


LEAVENWORTH – The City of Leavenworth celebrated the near-completion of the Glacier Lot with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Nov. 15. The lot is now open for parking, with construction remaining on the restroom facility.

“We're going to get to open up [103] new stalls, just in time for a nice Christmas season,” said Mayor Carl Florea during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The Glacier Lot, also known as the old DOT lot, was formerly an unpaved, free parking lot often used by commuting Stevens Pass employees, recreationists, and visitors.

However, the upgraded lot is the next to become a pay-to-park lot. The hourly rate for parking is one dollar  less per hour than the City’s pay-to-park lots closer to downtown Leavenworth.

“I think it's great that the city is able to add [103] more parking spots that'll bring in revenue for the city….It's been dirt for as long as I've lived here, so seeing it paved with actual stalls is really nice. I'm just excited for how great it looks, and the revenue that the parking fund will see from it,” said City Councilmember Shane Thayer.

Construction began in May to grade, pave, and stripe the lot, adding ADA parking stalls, electric vehicle charging stations, and RV and bus parking stalls. The project design also includes a Link Transit bus pullout and shelter, restrooms, a sheltered parking information center and kiosk, and bike storage. 

“I know that it was controversial when we decided we're going to go to paid parking. Nobody wants that to happen, but this is the result of that. Quite frankly, this happened because of paid parking,” said Florea.

The construction cost just over $3 million, paid for by the city’s Parking Enterprise Fund. 

Taylor Caldwell: 509-433-7276 or


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