Saturday, February 15, 2025
Point of View

Serving as your legislator was my honor and privilege

Rep. Brad Hawkins addresses the House of Representatives in 2013 on “Children’s Day” with his two boys, Luke and Tyler. Hawkins served four years in the House of Representatives and eight years in the State Senate. He begins his role as Chelan County Commissioner on January 1.
Rep. Brad Hawkins addresses the House of Representatives in 2013 on “Children’s Day” with his two boys, Luke and Tyler. Hawkins served four years in the House of Representatives and eight years in the State Senate. He begins his role as Chelan County Commissioner on January 1.

The Washington State Legislature will begin its 105-day session on January 13th. Thanks to your support in the recent election, I’m now in the process of transitioning to the County Courthouse rather than planning my annual move to the State Capitol. As I work to finish up my State Senator duties next month and look back on my 12 years of service in the Legislature, I’m grateful that you entrusted me to represent you. I’m proud of the friendships made and experiences gained while working on your behalf.

Public service over politics

During my years as your legislator, I always put public service before politics, focused on bipartisan opportunities, and made you my top priority. Despite the State Capitol being a challenging place at times, I believe my colleagues would attest that I treated everyone with respect and worked hard to find compromises while being a tenacious advocate for our region. Representing the people of the 12th District has definitely been the privilege of my professional career. 

While I wasn’t expecting the abrupt changes to legislative boundaries and leaving the State Legislature so soon, I feel fulfilled with my legislative service on your behalf. I arrived in Olympia in 2013 as your State Representative at the age of 37. When I served that first term, I was one of the youngest Representatives in the House, but fortunately I brought my educational training, experience as a PUD employee, and years as a school board member to the Capitol, which was helpful preparation.

Concluding 12 years of Legislative Service

I served two terms in the House of Representatives and two terms in the State Senate. Throughout my 12 years in the Legislature, I’ve gained experience on several committees during my tenure, including serving on the Education and Transportation committees in both chambers. As a former school board member and the only Senate Republican with children in school, I was chosen by Senate leadership as the lead Republican for the Education Committee and advocated strongly for preserving local control for school boards.

Securing support for local projects

I worked hard to secure funding for regional capital and transportation projects, including extending Wenatchee Valley’s Loop Trail to Lincoln Rock State Park, completing the West Cashmere Bridge, funding a sewer line beyond East Wenatchee, improving the Saddle Rock trail system, adding buildings to Wenatchee Valley College, and advancing Wenatchee’s Confluence Parkway.

The bills passed and funding secured were never accomplished alone, thanks to the support of my hard-working seatmates, local elected officials, and community groups. Our region had the greatest impact in Olympia when we came together on issues, partnered with statewide advocacy groups, and spoke with a collective voice. It was very fulfilling to work with large groups of diverse stakeholders to eventually accomplish something that had been difficult to achieve.

My greatest accomplishment

People often ask me about my most significant legislative achievement and my answer often surprises them. Rather than any bill sponsored or project funded, I always consider my approach to constituent outreach and customer service as to be my proudest accomplishment.  Soon after my election to the Senate, I began a tradition of annual “Listening Tours.” At first, I wasn’t sure whether these would work, but our communities responded so positively that I expanded them every year, which proved both fun and helpful.

I’d also like to thank my staff, past and present, for all of their help in serving you over the years. Many of you may know that my office implemented a process where each constituent who wrote in would receive an email response by staff almost immediately and handwritten note from me within a couple days. This became the expectation for my office, but it certainly wasn’t easy when we sometimes would receive 200 emails and calls each day, but that was our standard of service to you. 

The honor of my professional career

Looking back on my 12 years in Olympia, it seems to have gone by quickly. Thank you so very much for the opportunity to serve you as your State Representative and Senator. I am profoundly grateful. You are in good hands with our 12th Legislative District team. I look forward to working with them – and continuing to serve you – as your next Chelan County Commissioner.

Brad Hawkins has served 12 years in the Washington State Legislature. He was elected Chelan County Commissioner for District 3 in November and will begin on January 1st.


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